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DevOps without the DevOps part 1: The Plan

Forget DevOps

The point of this blog series is to cut through the hype and jargon and get to the pith of DevOps, and there is no better way to do that than with concrete examples.

The Problem

Before you go looking for solutions, it’s helpful to understand what the problem is. And what the problem is that, somewhere in the deep past, your foundational engineers started writing software. They got a requirement, and they:

That’s pretty much it. Life was good–the software probably did its job (which is why you’re in business, right?) Then, requirements got added, those engineers left and new ones joined, and they:

And now it’s no longer an easy task to even build the project. In fact, if you’re doing anything Enterprisey (TM), I would bet good money that fewer than 10% of your team understands how to build and package your product, much less run your automated system tests, etc. And I promise you that no one making purchasing decisions for DevOps solutions understands what your process is. So, let’s figure out how to figure out what your problem is.


A typical pipeline addresses the following steps (current in bold)

Now, your process can vary quite a bit. This series isn’t intended to teach or advocate a particular methodology, and it’s not prescriptive. There are frequently many sub-steps to each of these steps.

Step 1: Understand your Project’s Build Structure

You’re going to have to go beyond “well, we use Java and Lua and Make and Gradle.” You’re going to want to start by enumerating every single component of your project. Every last one. This will create a set of projects that we will call P (for projects). Draw them out, but give yourself plenty of space.

Here’s mine for Sunshower components:

Now, yours doesn’t have to look like this. You could get away with just creating a list, but I’d prefer that you drew it out: it’s a good exercise, it provides a lot of hints as to how things fit together. Now, understand that this is a pretty small project with just a few dependencies. Your project could take weeks to diagram out correctly and comprehensively–that’s ok. You’ll save time and money in the long run. Draw it out, but don’t get hung up on anything like UML or BPML–just try to visually understand the pieces of your project.

Information that should be present

Some words to the wise:

Step 2: Create a Template for Building your Project

This is step zero in terms of automation IMO. Sure, build tools like Gradle “automate” builds in that they can be used for many steps described in this series, but we’re only considering the “compile my component and generate some artifacts” portions of their capabilities. You will almost certainly be using your build tools to automate other tasks, but don’t worry about that now. It’s going to be a lot harder to implement a good automated workflow if you don’t clearly distinguish between types of tasks and how you (you dear reader, and your org) perform them.

The goal of this step is to create a template for getting properly configured build environments. This means that

  1. They will have all of the tools enumerated in your tool boxes in your diagrams
  2. They will have the correct versions of those tools
  3. They will have access to the resources (connectivity to Github, credentials to Maven repositories, etc.) required to build your project

Let’s look at some tools that can help us out here.

There are quite a few more, and each of these tools can do more than allow you to create build templates, but we’re only concerned with creating build templates at this stage. These can all be made to work with subsequent stages in your process, and some of them can use others to create templates (e.g Vagrant can generate OVAs). This series will only cover Docker, contact me or leave a comment if you want me to show you how to do the same thing in any of the others.

Example 1: Translating A Tools Box into a Docker Container

Let’s start with the tools box for Updraft:

Before we get started, there’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation we need to discuss here. It might seem natural to:

  1. Install Go in our container
  2. Install Git in our container
  3. Checkout Updraft into our container
  4. Build it, etc.

But this introduces a bit of a problem in that there’s not an easy, clean way to check out and build a specific version of Updraft. So, instead, what we’ll do is we’ll require the actual build machines (VM images or bare metal) to have

  1. Docker installed
  2. Git installed

Then, we’ll check out the desired version of the project from Github, build the container using Docker, then build Updraft inside the container. This allows us to easily build different versions of Updraft reliably and reproducibly. I promise that you won’t need much more than this on any actual instance of a Docker host.

So, having installed Docker and Git, let’s add our Dockerfile. A lot of people like to keep their Dockerfiles at the root of their projects, but I like to keep mine in a “docker” subdirectory in case I need more than one:

| etc.
│   │   └── error_code.go
│   └── utils
│   ├── uuid.go
│   └── uuid_test.go
├── docker
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └──

├── front
│   └── parser
│   ├── abstract_parser.go
│   ├── base_source.go
│   ├── base_source_test.go
│   ├── parser_message_listener.go
│   └── parser_test.go
| etc.

Note It’ll probably take a few tries to get your Dockerfile right. You can build and run the container in one (chained) command thuslike:

docker build -t "updraft" -f docker/Dockerfile . && docker run -it --rm --name updraft updraft 

Or, if you like, two commands:

docker build -t "updraft" -f docker/Dockerfile . 
docker run -it --rm --name updraft updraft 

Each run will re-create the container in the new state and drop you into a bash shell inside the container, where you can execute more commands until you get it right. Remember to add each command necessary to build your project to your Dockerfile as a RUN statement (so that it becomes a layer in your container).


FROM golang:1.8 ## Super easy Go base image (first dependency in our tools box)
WORKDIR /go/src/updraft ## current working directory inside the container
COPY . .  ## Copy the contents of the current directory into WORKDIR
RUN go get ./... ## Get updraft's dependencies (dependencies in our dependencies box)
RUN go build -o out/ucc ucc/main.go  ## Build updraft and output it into $WORKDIR/out

And viola! Running that all together produces:

➜  updraft git:(master) ✗ docker build -t "updraft" -f docker/Dockerfile . && docker run -it --rm --name updraft updraft
Sending build context to Docker daemon  33.59MB
Step 1/5 : FROM golang:1.8
 ---> 0e070ede84f7
Step 2/5 : WORKDIR /go/src/updraft
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4d23d64b3b23
Step 3/5 : COPY . .
 ---> 8a9a904e4971
Removing intermediate container 996472d595ff
Step 4/5 : RUN go get ./...
 ---> Running in 919addd0c758
 ---> 1608bbf6258f
Removing intermediate container 919addd0c758
Step 5/5 : RUN go build -o out/ucc ucc/main.go
 ---> Running in a0c9e2bd2112
 ---> d2d8855e56ae
Removing intermediate container a0c9e2bd2112
Successfully built d2d8855e56ae
Successfully tagged updraft:latest
root@caa586b9157c:/go/src/updraft# ls  backends  common  docker  front  middle  out  pascal  ucc

root@caa586b9157c:/go/src/updraft# cd out
root@caa586b9157c:/go/src/updraft/out# ./ucc -h

            Updraft is a modern compiler
            framework and collection written in
            pure Go for portability, speed,
            and embeddability

  ucc [flags]
  ucc [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  trace       trace various aspects of configuration and execution

      --config string     config file (default is $HOME/.ucc.yaml)
  -e, --execute string    select the execution model (default "interpreter")
  -f, --file string       file(s) to compile
  -h, --help              help for ucc
  -l, --language string   select the target language (default "pascal")

Use "ucc [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Deploy to Dockerhub

Now that we’ve successfully built our image, let’s publish it so that anyone can use it:

➜  updraft git:(master) ✗ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username (jhaswell): 
Login Succeeded
➜  updraft git:(master) ✗ docker tag updraft sunshower/updraft
➜  updraft git:(master) ✗ docker push sunshower/updraft
The push refers to a repository []
34f0b9f7c17e: Pushed 
ae2fc6d3daac: Pushed 
9fabb269895b: Pushed 
233937e534e9: Pushed 
f847715687e8: Mounted from library/golang 
056e99358ddc: Mounted from library/golang 
237b592486ad: Mounted from library/golang 
86ca4e4dcab9: Mounted from library/golang 
44b57351135e: Mounted from library/golang 
00b029f9aa09: Mounted from library/golang 
18f9b4e2e1bc: Mounted from library/golang 
latest: digest: sha256:089e2aa54db28ce35428e8a37cb46f51461def857d812aa14f1060030be384ba size: 2635
➜  updraft git:(master) ✗ 

And that’s it! Next time we’ll look at how to automate this process so that it happens with every checkin (introducing new tools) and how to make your artifacts available to everyone via the web and other means.

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